New Author Information

Thank you for your interest in being published by Wilfred Books as a new author. This link will take you to a questionnaire form where you can give details about you and the book you would like to publish: this is to enable Wilfred Books to prepare a unique package for your individual requirements, covering all aspects of the publishing process. The form that will be shown in your browser has a checkbox that allows you to give your consent to the storage, processing and use of the information you give. Within the context of the General Data Protection Regulations (the successor to the Data Protection Act: see below), you are able to withdraw your consent to storage, processing and use of your data at any time, but it must be understood that this will effectively terminate your relationship with Wilfred Books, as these data are fundamental to our service, as a publisher, to you.

General Data Protection Regulations

For your security, the database on which your personal details will be held is not accessible for public reference. The data you give on the questionnaire, and which are stored in the database, are retained solely for the purpose of building a relationship with you, the client. We only use your personal data for matters concerning your relationship with Wilfred Books, and we will not disclose any personal information to a third party, or use it in any marketing material, without your explicit permission. For further details, please see the General Data Protection Regulations page, which is a PDF document that will open in a new tab or window; the full text of the regulations, which is also a PDF document, is available in a new tab or window from this link.

We want to be able to provide new authors with a fully comprehensive service, covering all aspects of the publishing process, as stated above, including the allocation of an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), which is a unique product identifier for books, and ensures their accessibility worldwide; however, although the relationship with each author and Wilfred Books will be unique, at the outset it must be stated in general terms that the economics of a small publisher do not facilitate advance payments for new authors: remuneration will inevitably be linked to book sales. Also, if print books are required, as a result of the relatively small printing runs of books by ‘unknown’ authors, it will not be economically viable to produce hardback versions, unless the author is prepared to finance this.

If you would prefer to download a PDF version of the New Author questionnaire, please click here; the form can either be signed digitally, with an image of your signature, that you accept is an accurate representation for legal purposes, and returned by email, or printed and signed manually. Please email Wilfred Books for a postal address for printed forms. Thank you, and we look forward to a fruitful and rewarding publishing relationship!